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What’s New

Keep up-to-date on the latest vision-related news and eye care events in our Practice.

Shielding Your Vision: A Woman’s Guide Against AMD

As women age, the shadow of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) looms, threatening our vision. During Women's Eye Health and Safety Month, Advanced Eyecare Specialists is here to light the way with actionable steps to fend off AMD and keep your eyesight vibrant.

Eye Care During Allergy Season: A Step-by-Step Guide

This blog post offers a comprehensive guide on maintaining eye health during allergy season, with a daily eye care routine and advice on using daily disposable contact lenses to minimize allergy symptoms.

What You Need to Know About Glaucoma – The Sneak Thief of Sight

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma, a silent eye disease, is the most common form of irreversible blindness in the world. It is actually a group of diseases that causes progressive damage to the optic nerve.  Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that can lead to...